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William (1933-2021)

William …. entered the world in 1933

A child of God, he was destined to be

With his childish laughter and innocent ways

In freedom and love with limited days

From the dismal city streets to running through yellow fields of hay

Walking miles to school and back then under the stars he lay.

Those long gone treasured teenage days  … so few

Brought you knowledge and laughter to being scared and subdued

They searched high and low, from dusk until morning

When God flicked the switch without any warning

Frightened from the noise, the shadows and pain

Came tricks of the mind that no-one could explain

Running from life with a cry of Mayday, Mayday

Peace came at a cost, taking the confusion away.

Captivated by aeroplanes and meanderings by the Lake

Into the town passed the castle to the birthday cak

Cigarettes at dawn, with tea on tap

His glasses, his radio, his cigarettes packet, his cap

Sipping Guinness in his room, with Moonlight Sonata playing 

The angels by his side, holding him while praying

Now his glasses are set on books never read

His pillow is dented that once held his head

His slippers, placed neatly for the very last time

Prayers once whispered to the sound of the Church bells chime

He forgot how to smile … but he is smiling now

His world reflected the meaning of love … 

and compassion somehow x

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