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Times gone by…

I amuse myself of times gone by
Revealing memories of sorrow, and much hilarity
My children dance around me sigh
with their hopes and dreams of a life to be
What of my life? it’s aims its meaning
Where loves are found then lost, long gone
That shape and mould a heart so giving
Unless the potter exposes all that is wrong

To sing a new song from today, strangled, pistoled in array
Cave gives charge to change
from tangled aches
that shakes and churns from twisted endeavours
Making only kindness.. by that,
of which I measure
My spirit and soul seeking solace in strength
For some it’s impossible where weakness reigns
Taking protein shakes feeding validation
But end in hunger and

The path of decadence comes with a cost
Unravelling in all its complex ways,
a lesson learnt to late I fear
But to live in truth above it all
It’s an expense we can justify and easily afford ..

Make kindly, make lovingly, make peacefully, make nigh
for today is the balance sheet of … Times gone by

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