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This is not a love POEM…

(You can’t put your arms around a memory …..  John Anthony Genzale, July 15, 1952 – April 23, 1991, AKA ‘Johnny Thunders’ ex Heartbreaker)

This is not a love poem

Yesterday and the days that follow occasionally come to mind

The photographs that tell a story

now scrunched up and left behind

With memories that were captured, once stored deeply in my heart

Forgotten now, thrown away the key 🔐

for the second act to start.

New intentions, old resentment just meaningless words I now recite 

Built a fabric of resilience, while you sit there in contrite

Your number on the record sleeve

Tempting me to call

I hold it, laugh … put the needle on the record

Transporting me back to it all. 

Court courage, its a friend of mine but understand the blues

Detect the nuance of these feelings 

When you walk a lifetime in these shoes. 

Worn, torn, tired, exhausted as the months and years go by

Giving birth to a new found self believe … from low to riding high

The fear subsides, the futures for the taking

Love turns up and the sun is breaking

The winters come and summers go, 

Creation is alive and the pink blossom grows

Most of all I can sing a new song, that makes me feel alive

To hit the pedal, change the gear and move into overdrive.

But in the bigger picture I just can’t make out, what there is to see

Cause i’m kneeling in the corner of it looking

Bring on a new song, bring on the love, bring on the joy, take off the glove

I play the record and Johnny shakes

was his addiction the result of a tragic heartbreak? 

If only he tried to believe in himself

Gain his self control to leave the needle on the shelf.

He sang ‘You can’t put your arms around a memory… 

Don’t try, Don’t try’ …. 

well… maybe not in this life Johnny … but don’t be afraid to cry.

Like tears fall down in a waterfall gushing to the pool😢 

You’ll always be a rockaway memory when I play your song as a rule.

There’s no more sorrow, no more angst and thankfully no more pain

Until the next time when I feel I want to play your song again x

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