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The Dancer

We dance unknowingly with the lovers of dance
> As they Jive and dive in the cadence of their steps
> To and fro in a ritual of complexity
> Leaving pain residing with ill effects
> Contemplative prayer can dance to their tempest tune
> Dancing along to a sanctuary door
> To protect a precious heart and escape
> From thoughts of waltzing in a waring war
> Oh the ego, the ego dances a Pasa Doble
> With a rigid, cold, seductive beat
> Only to rise and face another day alone
> To master their craft of charm and deceit
> Like the breadcrumbs that scattered from that fairytale of old
> The birds swoop and peck from the pathway for their share
> Like a wretched heart is left starving for more
> Leaving love left hanging to the gaze of an empty glare
> The lovers of the dance will acquire their reward
> As a gruelling marathon dances on to the end
> Then quietly obliterates past memories made
> Until another dancer appears for them to befriend …
> One who will stroke their fragile ego one more time
> Who will tap in time to their insidious tune
> Who will be the gift that keeps on giving
> Who will primp and preen their narcissistic plume
> Evidently the ego surrenders to the ‘Id’
> Self destructing itself along life’s merry way
> But as the superego looses its state of control …
> It leaves the monster to dance … for another day!
Many thanks for all the work you have done Elsa, it’s looking good.

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