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Sliding doors

(Living within an observable universe, who knows what lies beyond!!!)

Sliding Doors … 

Anxiously anticipating … 

I’m waiting, waiting

Precipitating the sound of a midnight bell … 

A new decade arrives and the fireworks scream … 

I’m here, I’m the future, i’m on the move … let me scheme 

Who’s in charge of it all?

Who calls the shots? 

Can we change the path of our destiny … or maybe not

But what of the ‘what if’s

When we make split second decisions

That change the course of our future 

With endless revisions

In a parallel universe

A different path we could take

Miss the bus, take a taxi

What difference would it make

We will never know the impact 

Of where it could lead

To situations unknown 

To drip sweat … or to bleed

What of the adventures that lie beyond?

Where would I be … and with whom?

An intriguing thought to pass the time of day

Before reality resumes!!

Does integrity, love and loyalty 

Live In a different dimension

Have I passed someone waiting there 

In that realm of suspension 

I’ll never know their thoughts, 

their laughter, their smiles 

But I feel it all the same 

As I’ve known them for a while

I’ve met them before 

In life’s expectations

When I walk down the city streets and avenues of the nations. 

Are my choices my fate? 

Is free will by design?

Would I change anything?

Yes, no, yes, no, 

plays repeat in my mind 

Confusion, illusions, delusions creating mayhem …. 

STOP the world, STOP it all!!! 

Get me out of this playpen

‘The future is unwritten’ 

Said a man named Joe

He held the world in his hands

But then … had to let go

With a few regrets in the past 

How life might have changed

Only memories to recall, exchanged and rearranged

So I take comfort in the present 

and take it as it comes

I’ll be in charge of this day

to the beat of the New Rose 🌹drum

Let the universal realms 

Protect its mysterious story

And let tomorrow wake up

To its morning glory 

As I watch the plane fly over

While the Stena Line leaves the port

The Bangor train, 3 carriages long, 

shuffles home by the shore

These modes of travel bringing home.. Love, laughter, trouble … and strife 

Which allude to part of the mystery 

through the Sliding Doors of life!!

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