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Ode to Mary …

Mary Poole, oh Mary Poole…

A perfectly penned gift on your wedding day

From an introverted shy guy with a crooked smile at school

Declared his quirky love for you in his unconventional little way

No vow comes near to those promises made

A deepness of desire for his bride and queen

To sing and declare throughout each decade

In the shape of reflections, flowers or a dream

To be the comfort of home,

to make whole, fun and young

A desire to love you with so much passion

String together these words and the heart is sung ❤️

With such feelings that can’t be starved or rationed

Pairing together in life, sharing kisses and wine

Professing thoughts with a poetic flair 

Intimately entwined in one another’s mind

Immune from the world in which you share 

Your compatibility makes the chemistry spark 💥

When two worlds in the playground collide

Starts an adventurous journey in life together 

With your quirky LOVE by your side

The repeating words on the radio

I will always love you … 

I will always you 

With coated lips 💋 that smear your cup 

They Whisper …. 

‘Fly me to the moon’!! 🌗

❤️ xx

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