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Lockdown 1

What if memories are all we have now

Transposing a vibrant life to a shade of grey

Unknown changes in times that lie ahead

Negate the pleasures of yesterday

A time of reflection …  reshaping our very being 

Stirring and shaking up fear and confusion

We’ve learnt how to cry. …  grieve … and mourn a little

Living in hope for tomorrows generation.

Precariously our world is dying under the burning sun 

While the glistening stars and Venus shimmer

Give life where there is none 

But a piece of code wrapped in a protein coat

installs conformity at its best

protecting humanity from afar 

to which we had to address

A simple hug for those we love 

is taking a chance to far, 

and that’s not a risk worth taking

for even those who hold the power

Care less for the trivial trappings  of today 

In this ever decreasing world

The sentimentality is attached to so much 

Slips … slowly … simply …  away unfurled 

We yearn to embrace the ones we love

feel their breathe against our face

To hold their trembling hands so tight 

With hope tomorrow’s child be full of grace

They say there’s a crack in everything 

and that’s how the light gets in …

So …..

I’ll throw back my head with a raucous laughter 

clink our glasses 🥂 

with the masses

But only in another day that passes

In a different life hereafter!

… on the other side of the rainbow 🌈

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